Become a Board Member!

The Vistoso Community Association (VCA) Annual Meeting is fast approaching on March 25, 2021. At this point given the Covid-19 risks and social distancing requirements, the Committee is erring on the side of caution by holding the meeting on a digital platform, to be determined.

If you have interest in running for a VCA Board of Directors seat, we are currently in the “Call for Candidates” phase. The deadline to receive applications and bios is January 15, 2021. There are 3 single family seats and 1 multi-family seat available. The application can be found HERE. The election results will be announced at the Annual Meeting.

An Annual Meeting information packet will be mailed out to all property owners on February 26, 2021. The Board is recommending that all homeowners vote electronically to reduce the need for handling paper ballots, and ensure safety. If you do not have access to a computer, a voting station will be set up in the HOA office where residents can make an appointment to vote. First Residential staff will be available to help you access the IVOTENOW website. If you have any concerns, please reach out to staff at 520-354-2729.

The Board of Directors involves dedicated commitment and hard work.   Board members are encouraged to be out in the community and review proposed projects in the community. There are often additional work study sessions on large or challenging projects. General and Executive Session Board Meetings normally run 6-8 hours per month. Each board member is asked to participate on a standing committee, which is a 2-3 hour commitment per month. The average time commitment for a Board member is roughly 10-20 hours per month. If elected as an officer, that time commitment can increase significantly.

Board members have an important responsibility to focus on issues that face the entire membership and be an essential voice in the community. It is a rewarding experience to see the results of collective hard work. Please consider submitting a board application today!    We are also currently accepting applications for the 2022 Nomination and Election Committee appointment.  Please also consider submitting a committee appointment application today.

Additional information on the Annual Meeting will be available soon on
