Summer Heat Safety

Water? Yes, Please!

Whether you’re a Sonoran Desert native, have had several years to acclimate, or are a newcomer, this is the time of year to remind everyone of the dangers of desert heat.  Heat-related illnesses can range from mild symptoms up to, and including, heatstroke, which can damage vital organs and potentially cause serious illness.

Some measures to prevent heat-related illness include wearing loose-fitting light clothing, planning outdoor activities during the coolest parts of the day, and acclimating slowly to the heat as you engage in outdoor sports and other activities.  Adequate hydration, however, remains a key way to prevent heat-related illnesses.

Keep in mind that chronic illnesses such as heart or lung disease, may predispose you to heat-related illness. Additionally, stimulants such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) medications or other drugs may increase vulnerability to excessive heat.

No discussion of the dangers of Arizona summer heat would be complete without a mention of keeping pets hydrated, cool, and their little paws off hot surfaces. 

By ensuring you and your family are adequately hydrated during hikes or other outdoor fun this summer, the beautiful Sonoran Desert can become your playground!

For additional information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), click HERE

Monsoon Season

If you’ve lived in Arizona for any length of time, you know what the monsoon is. If you’re unfamiliar with a monsoon, there is plenty to expect.

The summer rains bring much-needed moisture and cooler evenings. Not to mention lightning, heavy rain, high winds, flash flooding, hail and dangerous driving conditions. Here are a few tips:

  1. If you are caught in a storm and can’t drive safely, move to the side of the road and turn lights off. This ensures that other drivers don’t follow your tail-lights thinking you are still on the road.
  2.  Watch lightning from afar. Stay indoors when you hear thunder, avoid using plumbing and electrical equipment and keep your distance from windows. 
  3. Keep away from rivers and washes during heavy rains. If you’re driving and see a flooded area, turn around and plan an alternative route. Arizona’s “Stupid Motorist Law” permits rescue agencies to collect up to $2,000 for water rescues if motorists get stuck after purposely driving in flooded areas.
  4. If you find yourself caught in a dust storm, check the vehicles around you and try pulling over to the side of the road as soon as possible. Turn off your lights, stay in the car and keep your seatbelt on until the dust storm passes.

To read the full article “10 facts about Arizona’s 2021 Monsoon season” click HERE


Tucsonans figured out a long time ago that summers are best enjoyed at night when its a few degrees cooler and slightly less uncomfortable. And many Tucson places have also adapted to embrace nighttime events. 

If becoming nocturnal is on your summer survival list, check out these ideas to fill those warm summer nights.

To read the full article “10 things to do in Tucson when the sun goes down” click HERE