As a homeowner within the Vistoso Community, and a member of the Master Association, you are responsible for assessments (fees), used to finance the Association’s operations. The Vistoso Community Association (VCA) – (referred to as the Master Association) needs operating funds for maintenance, repairs, and administration for areas the association is responsible for. In addition, the VCA requires adequate reserve funds for major repairs or replacements of capital items. The VCA assessments maintain common areas and amenities such as the entry monuments at the entrance of the Rancho Vistoso community, the parkway median along Rancho Vistoso Boulevard, the 10 VCA owned community parks and playgrounds, miles of pedestrian trails and bicycle paths, and drainage runoff areas, to name a few.
The VCA collects membership fees quarterly from each lot or parcel owner. The VCA currently oversees 21 sub-associations with their own special rules and their own separate assessments over and above the assessment of the VCA. In this case, property owners are members of both the VCA and the specific sub-association as well.
If you have any questions regarding these fees, please feel free to contact the Vistoso Community Association staff at 520-354-2729.