Design Guidelines

Architectural Landscaping Review Submittal Form

The Vistoso Community Association oversees the administration of the community’s Design Guidelines, which entail standards to maintain the Lots and Parcels at a consistent level within the association community. Prior to the construction or implementation of the original scope of work, improvements of any residence within the association, including landscaping must be submitted on an Architectural and Landscaping Review Submittal form, commonly known as an ARC form, prior to the construction or implementation of such contemplated work. To learn more about the Architectural and Landscaping Review Submittal form, click HERE.

Honing your skill in completion of the Architectural & Landscaping Review Submittal Form will allow the Architectural & Landscaping Review Committee (ALRC) to process your request without unnecessary delay. Attention to detail, and completion of all fields, will allow the Committee to proceed without the need to communicate with you for any missing or unclear information.

Click here to go to Vistoso Community Association ALRS Form. 

You’ll begin the form by placing a check in the fields for Sub-Associations and Community Neighborhoods, respectively. 

Next, add the date of your request, and complete all fields in Sections 1. and 2. Please provide a phone number at which you can easily be reached, and an email address.

Section 3. Requires a “detailed description” of work to be done. The more information you provide, the easier it will be for the Committee to consider your project, without the need to table it until additional information is provided by you.

Section 4. Is self-explanatory. Again, more is more. 

Section 5. Please use the commercial color names for the project when possible.

Section 6. Use this space for any additional information that may be used for the approval of your project. And be sure to follow the important guidance at the end of the form. You may submit this form by emailing it to

As a reminder, your Sub-Association form must be submitted to your HOA management company and architectural/landscape committee first, as your submittal needs their approval prior to being sent on to the Master Association (Vistoso Community Association).