Tim O’Keefe
Valley Vista Neighborhood
How well do you know where you live?
1) The area now known as the Town of Oro Valley was home to the Hohokam people. Which of the following are true?
A. The Hohokam people lived in the Honey Bee Canyon area for over 800 years starting around 450AD.
B. Petroglyphs made by the Hohokam people can be found in Honey Bee Canyon and on hole #5 of the former Vistoso Golf Club (now Vistoso Trails Nature Preserve).
C. They are known for creating complex and extensive irrigation canals along the Colorado river.
D. The Pima and Tohono O’odham (Papago) people are thought to be direct descendants of the Hohokam people.
E. The Honey Bee Village Archaeological Preserve is a 13-acre site of an important O’odham village located off of Moore Loop.
2) How much do you know about Steam Pump Ranch? Which of the following are true?
A. In 1874 George Pusch, a German immigrant, and John Zellweger, a friend, hand dug a well and used a steam pump to move the water into holding tanks
B. Pusch turned Steam Pump Ranch into a key stopover for travelers and a place to rest cattle on the road between Tucson and the Feldman Ranch in Oracle.
C. They charged ranchers 1 penny a head to water their cattle.
D. Apache hunting parties camped in the foothills above the Steam Pump Ranch.
E. The Town of Oro Valley purchased the 16-acre Steam Pump Ranch in 2008 and it is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
3) To ensure easy access to our streets Rancho Vistoso regulates parking. Which of the following are true?
A. Cars that are parked in the driveway may not overhang sidewalks.
B. Overnight street parking is not allowed.
C. Motor homes, trailers and boats may be parked for 48 hours for loading/unloading.
D. Inoperable vehicles must be parked in a garage.
E. The VCA has hired a security company to patrol neighborhoods to ensure parking regulations are followed. Fines are issued to those in violation.
4) The VCA is responsible for landscaping the many common areas in Rancho Vistoso. Which of the following are true?
A. Landscaping is part of the Operating Budget for the VCA.
B. The annual budget for landscaping is approximately $1.2 million dollars.
C. The VCA is responsible for landscaping over 6 acres of grass turf and over 100 acres of land containing over 5000 trees, tens of thousands of shrubs, cacti, groundcovers, and native paintings in our parks, along our parkways, roads, and other common areas.
D. The VCA is responsible for landscaping Naranja Park.
E. Replenishing of landscape granite is part of the 2022 Reserve Fund Budget and is approximately $78,000.
5) The VCA contracts with AAA Landscaping to provide landscaping services for the community. Some of the tasks they are responsible for include which of the following?
A. Keep sidewalk areas clear of encroaching plants.
B. Repair irrigation lines and equipment and adjust for season and plants.
C. Removing dead Saguaro trees in a resident’s yard.
D. Trim trees, monitor plant health and replace plants as needed, fertilize and spray weed control in common areas serviced by the VCA.
E. Perform, manage and complete erosion control projects authorized by the VCA.
1) A, B, D, and E are true. C is false – The Hohokam people created complex irrigation systems along the Salt and Gila River Valleys. For more information on the Hohokam people click here.
2) A, B, D, and E are true. C is false – Pusch charged 15 cents a head to water cattle. For more information on Steam Pump Ranch click here
3) A, B, C, D and E are all true. Not blocking the driveway is an Arizona law. View the Resident Information Packet to see specifics on residential parking in the VCA.
4) A, B, C and E are true. D is false – Naranja Park is owned and managed by the Town of Oro Valley.
5) A, B, D and E are true. C is false – Residents are responsible for all trees and plants in their own yards.