Barbara Daoust
General Manager
First Service Residential
In case you missed the July 28, 2022 Board of Directors meeting, here is a “snapshot” of the General Manager’s report to the community. The full report begins on page 10 in the Meeting Resident Info Packet on the VCA website calendar under July 28, 2022.
Rancho Vistoso Boulevard (RVB) Street Lights
Chris Monrad from Monrad Engineering presented his report on the current condition of the streetlights along RVB at the July 14, 2022, board meeting. The board directed Mr. Monrad to proceed with a demo project to install 10 new fixtures starting at Safeway proceeding north. He will be preparing the RFP and soliciting proposals for this project.
Park Furniture Replacement
Park furniture that was approved by the board last month has been ordered for Big Wash, Sunset Ridge, Wildlife Ridge Parks and Lost Coyote & Woodshade Trails.
Shade Sails
The arrival for the shade sails for Wildlife Ridge, Torreno, Hohokam and Sunset Ridge Parks are anticipated by the third week of August. They will be installed upon delivery.
Onsite Office
The board has entered a lease at the Mountain View Plaza property. Staff is being housed temporarily at FirstService Residential Tucson Office at 7616 N la Cholla Blvd. The current owner of the building has agreed to let the association store their furnishings at the current location until August 31, 2022. The board has approved the proposal from Expert Movers Arizona to coordinate the move of the association’s furnishings.
Moore Loop Road Park
Mattamy has completed the project at the Moore Loop Road Park to address the drainage issues that affects the playground area and the grass area adjacent to this location. A final inspection will be scheduled with Mattamy representatives prior to turnover.