Barbara Daoust
General Manager
First Service Residential
In case you missed the August 25, 2022 Board of Directors meeting, below is a “snapshot” of the General Manager’s report to the community. The entire report begins on page nine in the Meeting Resident Info Packet on the VCA website calendar under August 25, 2022.
Shade Sails & Playground Surface Replacement
The shade sails for Wildlife Ridge, Torreno, Hohokam and Sunset Ridge Parks have been shipped. The ground surface replacement for Hohokam and Sunset Ridge Parks will be scheduled along with the installation of the shades.
Onsite Office
The VCA staff is coordinating the move from 945 W Vistoso Highlands Drive location. Expert Movers Arizona will be moving the furnishings to a local storage facility on August 18 that we were able to acquire. The Pitney Bowes machine and the copier will be moved and stored at FirstService Residential Tucson Office where VCA staff is temporarily working. The current owner of the building is anticipating taking the building down in September. We currently have access to the new location at Mountain View Plaza and FirstService Residential IT will be inspecting the site. As of last week, the new landlord has not started renovations on the space. AAA Landscape assisted in the disposal of items that we were not taking with us and saved the association the cost of renting a dumpster. All services will be
shut off by the end of the month.
Moore Loop Road Park
Both Mattamy Homes and Anthony Martin of FirstService Residential has been monitoring the drainage at Moore Loop Road Park over the last several weeks and found that the newly installed drainage system is performing well. Mattamy is currently concentrating on the grass area adjacent to the playground equipment. Once this is completed a final inspection will be scheduled prior to turn over.
Erosion Projects
Both John Wise from WLB and Anthony Martin from FirstService Residential inspected the erosion in the drainage area off N Big View Ct. The association received notice from John Spiker from the Town of Oro Valley Public Works Department about the situation. Anthony Martin will provide the oversight on this project at no cost to the association.
Storm Damage
AAA Landscape has been busy cleaning up the community from the monsoons. Several trees have been damaged and had to be removed.