This project was initiated by residents during the widening of Oracle Rd (SR 77) several years ago. The original wildlife fencing was about 10 ft. tall and ran along the west side/back of the homes. Essentially it is meant to keep wildlife from crossing the highway. The intent is for wildlife to cross under the highway via a large culvert between Scenic Overlook Pl and Big Wash Overlook Pl. The project is funded by the RTA and is administered by the Town.
Attached are the construction plans. They include a depiction of the gates and block walls that will be on both streets, a cattle guard on the north side, and some fencing relocations. The schedule was updated on 8-31-22. The clearing and grubbing work and fence removals are complete. The contractor (Sellers and Sons) will be potholing to locate utility lines. Once the utilities are located, work for the wall footings, cattle guard, and electrical service will take place. The last items to be installed will be the gates and the 2 ft. high decorative fencing on top of the block wall. Work is tentative to be completed in mid-November.
The TEP service locations have been confirmed. The location on Big Wash Overlook Pl was changed from the location on the plans. Attached are sketches of the confirmed locations. The service line will be trenched from the existing transformer box to the new meter location. The meter requires an easement for TEP to be able to access it. TOV is working with the contractor to get the paperwork, and the HOA will need to sign/approve them (one at each gate).
SR 77 Wildlife Fencing Project – Neighborhood Notification