Barbara Daoust
General Manager
First Service Residential
In case you missed the September 29, 2022 Board of Directors meeting, below is a “snapshot” of the General Manager’s report to the community. The entire report begins on page ten in the Meeting Resident Info Packet on the VCA website calendar under VCA website calendar under September 29, 2022.
Rancho Vistoso Blvd Street Lights
• Chris Monrad from Monrad Engineering has completed the RFP for the Demo Project of installing 10 new light fixtures along RVB (starting at Safeway) as per the board’s direction. He currently is in the process of soliciting bids for this project.
• Mountain Power Electric did complete the inspection of the string of streetlights that are still out and finished cleaning pull boxes 151-197, 132-154 & 168-198. They recommend replacing one of the main breakers since it keeps tripping. Chris Monrad reviewed their report and agreed that the breaker should be replaced. They are in the process of putting a proposal together.
Park Furniture Replacement
Park Furniture Replacement
• Park furniture for Big Wash, Sunset Ridge, Wildlife Ridge Parks and Lost Coyote & Woodshade Trails is currently on order.
Onsite Office
• The landlord for the new office location has applied to the TOV for a permit. Once the permit is obtained, they will begin renovations on the suite.
• Management has received the flooring samples. Board President Gayle Lopez, Vice President Matt Wood and management will meet to make paint color and flooring selections.
• FirstService Residential staff is working on acquiring proposals for wiring the new location for our technology needs.
• The VCA furnishings are currently being stored at the AZ Self Storge facility. Once we are ready to move in Expert Movers Arizona will move the association to the new location.
Community Events
• The community yard sale is scheduled for October 8 from 7:00am until 2:00pm. This event will be advertised.
2023 Budget
• Management and the Finance Committee has been working on the proposed budget for 2023. The committee will be meeting with the board to review & discuss the draft budget in early October and the board is expected to adopt the budget during the October 27 meeting.