Matt Wood, VCA President
Center Pointe Neighborhood
February 2024 Message From The Board of Directors – Matt Wood
Updates in Brief
- The Oro Valley Town Council voted against the Avilla apartments rezoning request (near Safeway and Woodburn) as many members of Rancho Vistoso signed a petition and/or spoke against the project at the Town Council meeting in January.
- A task group of Board members and staff are meeting with the Town of Oro Valley staff to discuss the future of the streetlights on RVB. This is a “big dollar issue” and we will thoroughly analyze all our options before a decision is reached.
- The major repair projects of the irrigation along Innovation Parkway and on Desert Fairways will start in March and the replacement of decorative rock will follow. This project will save operating budget money and water as the irrigation is old and the waterline breaks are frequent.
Annual Membership Meeting
The Annual Membership Meeting of the Vistoso Community Association (VCA) will be held Thursday, March 28th, beginning at 6:00 PM. The Annual Meeting will be a hybrid meeting available via Zoom Meeting platform or by RSVP in advance at the Community Association Office at 6:00 pm at 1171 E Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Suite 103, Tucson, AZ 85755 (Mountain View Plaza). An RSVP does not guarantee an in-person seat. Due to occupancy restrictions, a limited number of members are permitted.
Your Vote is Important
The Board respectfully asks all members to make their voices heard and vote. Look for your ballots and return them promptly. According to the VCA Governing Documents, we must meet the membership quorum requirements to hold this election. Failure to meet the quorum required shall result in another meeting and shall accrue additional costs to do so. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Annual VCA Meeting, please contact the Vistoso Community Association at 520-354-2729.
Member Voting Overview
VCA members will receive a letter and email with voting instructions (mailed out on 2/28/24) outlining three ways to submit your ballot to cast your vote in the Board election process. The VCA Onsite Staff ONLY will touch, process, or help with this process.
The digital and mail-in ballot asks you to vote for candidates. This year Single Family Members will vote to fill four open seats. The fourth seat became open when current Board Member Sonia Suri resigned her position last month due to personal reasons. The Board thanks Sonia for her contributions over the past year and wishes her well going forward. Two of the four Single Family Director positions will be serving two-year terms and two will be serving one-year terms of office. The two candidates with the highest numbers of votes will be awarded the two-year terms.
Also, this year there is one open Commercial Board Seat for a two-year term to be voted on by our Commercial Members. The Other-Than-Single-Family Board Seat is open next year and will not be on this year’s ballot. All members will also be asked to vote the approval of the minutes from last year’s VCA Association Annual Membership Meeting and the IRS Ruling 70-604. This IRS ruling requires approval by the membership so that the association may be allowed to carry over any surplus income from one tax year to the next to offset deficits in the following year and thus avoid the creation of additional taxes to the association.
The Voting Process
There are three (3) ways for VCA Members in good standing to cast your vote:
- Vote Online (preferred) – The unique voting web address link and registration number will be included in your individual letter and/or email which outlines the election process. Online voting will open at 9:00 AM on February 28, 2024, and close at 5:00 PM on March 22, 2024.
- Paper Ballot Mail-In or Hand Delivery – If you prefer to vote with a paper ballot, please use the paper ballot included in your mailing to cast your vote. You may put it in the ballot box at the office or mail it in. Paper ballots must be returned in the enclosed envelope to the onsite office no later than the postmark date of Friday, March 22, 2024, for mail-in ballots and 5:00 PM March 22, 2024 for hand delivered ballots.
- In-Person Voting – Onthe night of the election, you may cast your ballot if you have yet to meet the deadline for online or paper ballots. You may come to the Community Association Office at 6:00 PM at 1171 E Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Suite 103, Tucson, AZ 85755 (Mountain View Plaza) to cast your ballot in person. This method is only available to members who did not vote prior.
I hope you will seriously consider Joining us! Click HERE to download an editable Volunteer Application form. After completing the form email it to AskVCA@RanchoVistosoHOA.com.