Our Critter of the Month is a Hummingbird!
Spring is coming and so is the world’s smallest migrating bird!
They weigh less than a nickel and have no sense of smell. Hummingbirds may fly close to your face to investigate changes to their environment. Hummingbirds are not dangerous at all to humans. If you are greeted by a suspicious hummingbird behaving oddly. Please know you have wandered into their territory. Don’t worry for they are on a mission to identify unwanted threats or to welcome you in anticipation of refilling their feeding stations.
~ Photo Courtesy of Jake Smith of the Monticello neighborhood.
A Friendly Reminder Regarding Wildlife
We live in the beautiful Sonoran Desert and share our neighborhoods with the wildlife that has been here long before our homes. Coyotes, bobcats, javelinas, mountain lions, rattlesnakes, gila monsters, and birds of prey can pose a danger to humans and their pets. We must be aware of our surroundings and avoid confronting these animals. Maintain your distance and do not behave in a threatening manner. If you encounter a rattlesnake, please call 911 immediately to have it removed. Also, do not feed or supply water to wild animals since they may become more brazen.