The Town of Oro Valley presents the 23rd Annual Community Academy!
Community Academy is going virtual! Safely enjoy this fun, free and unique opportunity to learn about your community and local government. This highly engaging program brings Town staff and residents together to discuss an array of topics pertinent to Oro Valley.
Classes will be held twice a week from 6-8 PM online via Zoom, throughout February, culminating in a graduation ceremony with Town Council on March 3. Topics include:
- An Overview of Town Governance- Feb. 4
- The History of Oro Valley – Feb. 9
- Town Growth: Trends and Annexation – Feb. 11
- Traffic, Roadways and Transportation Planning– Feb. 16
- An Integrative Parks and Recreation Strategy– Feb. 18
- Town Water Resource Planning – Feb. 23
- Zoning 101: The Development Review Process and Public Input– Feb. 25
Please register at by February 1 to receive important updates, meeting links and more. Questions? Contact Jeanna Ancona at or (520)229-5062.