Get to know your Committees: Finance Committee!

Gayle Lopez, Treasurer

It has been my pleasure to serve as the Vistoso Community Association’s (VCA) Treasurer and Chairperson of the Finance Committee (FC) since March 2020.  I’d like to introduce the FC’s role, committee members/contributors, and our joint successes. 

Role of the FC

The FC’s primary role is to make financial recommendations to the BOD and assist the Treasurer in his/her duties.  Proposing the annual budget (operating and reserve) and the investment strategy/plan are but a few of the FC’s responsibilities.  In addition, the FC recommends when to increase assessments, how to finance expenditures, where/when to invest VCA money, assists in contract language and bidding, audits suppliers to ensure contract compliance, makes recommendations to reduce the VCA’s exposure to fraud and hacking, and recommends policy/process improvements.  The FC delivers sound financial recommendations.

Meet the People Working on Your Behalf

The community was blessed this year to have a very talented and committed FC team.  We met twice a month vs. the traditional once a month.  Our team members possessed skills and expertise in areas such as financial forecasting, financial fraud, extensive reserve study & funding knowledge, commercial real estate development, banking, P&L management, auditing, contract negotiations, cyber security, and prior VCA/HOA FC experience.  The FC knows how to make your assessments work for the community.

Gayle LopezTreasurerVistoso Hills (soon to be Honey Bee Ridge)
Norm BogenMemberSt. Andrews II
David LightMemberEstates at High Mesa
Rob QuiriMemberThe Pinnacle at Center Pointe
Susann VentzkeMemberVistoso Highlands 1
Matt WoodAlternateSummit North at Center Pointe
Tracy Anne PhillipsContributorAlterra
Veronica AlverezAccountantFirst Service Residential
Colleen HollandGeneral ManagerVCA Onsite Office

FC 2020 Accomplishments

The FC is proud to share that we completed 25 projects this year.  These projects improved efficiencies and have saved and/or identified savings valued in excess of $30,000 by:

  • auditing top 5 suppliers
  • getting reimbursed for billing errors
  • decreasing contract costs
  • holding suppliers accountable to contract terms
  • renegotiating fair and balanced contracts
  • implementing procedures that reduced exposure to financial fraud
  • developing a gifting policy

Finally, Our Success = Your Success.  Thanks for letting the FC serve our community.

If you have any ideas or want to help with the Finance Committee – reach out to