Tim O’Keefe
Valley Vista Neighborhood
How well do you know where you live? Here are some interesting trivia and fun facts about Rancho Vistoso and the Vistoso Community Association (VCA).
1) Oro Valley has gorgeous night views of the sky. Tucson is headquarters for the International Dark Sky Association (IDA) Initiative. Which of the following are true?
A. Oro Valley is a certified International Dark Sky Community.
B. The IDA mission is to protect the night from light pollution.
C. In 2018, the City of Tucson upgraded its streetlights; by doing so, it saved $2.2 million per year in energy costs and reduced light pollution by 7%.
D. Oracle State Park is a certified Dark Sky Park.
E. The VCA Design Guidelines includes requirements for lighting to preserve the dramatic night sky in our area.
2) The VCA owns the street lights on Rancho Vistoso Boulevard (except those in Sun City). What is true?
A. Rancho Vistoso Blvd has a total of 226 street lights.
B. The annual electrical cost for the lights is currently about $35,000.
C. The VCA is researching converting all of the lights to Dark Sky compliant LED lighting.
D. The cost to convert the lights is approximately $330,000.
E. The energy savings is expected to be approximately 70%.
3) Monsoon Season in Arizona is from June 15 – September 15. What is true about Arizona’s seasonal rains.
A. Last year Oro Valley had approximately 8.96 inches of rain between June 15 and September 15 2021.
B. The monsoon is a season where the dry, westerly winds that typically persist through fall, winter and spring shift to moist, southerly winds.
C. Arizona has two monsoon seasons – summer and winter.
D. The term “monsoon” refers to a seasonal time of year where thunderstorms are more likely to occur. A monsoon is NOT a thunderstorm, but the monsoon season can help build thunderstorms.
E. Monsoon thunderstorm activity accounts for roughly half of the annual precipitation in central and northern Arizona, and two-thirds to three-fourths of the annual precipitation in southern Arizona
4) When you purchased your home in Rancho Vistoso, you agreed to comply with the VCA’s Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs). What are the three most common violations?
A. Parking violations including parking on the street overnight.
B. Hanging string lights that can be seen outside your yard.
C. Not submitting an Architectural & Landscaping Review Form for prior to beginning a project.
D. Having less than a 60” high barrier around your pool.
E. Not having a self-latching backyard gate to your pool.
5) What of the Architectural & Landscape Review Committee Guidelines is false?
A. You must use the Waste Hauler that the VCA has designated.
B. Repainting your house the same color requires approval by the Architectural Review Board.
C. For front yard landscaping, the guidelines specify such things as the type of decorative rock used and the minimum number of and height of trees, Saguaros or Ocotillos.
D. Holiday lighting and decorations can be installed 30 days prior to the recognized holiday and must be removed within 20 days after the holiday.
E. Outdoor lighting must be equal or less than 450 lumens.
1) B, C, D and E are true. A is false – Although Oro Valley does have a number of light restrictions, it is not a certified International Dark Sky community. See the International Dark Sky Association Website for more information.
2) All statements are true. See July 14, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes for additional details.
3) A, B, D and E are true. See the Arizona State Climate Office for more information about Arizona’s Monsoons. C is false – meteorologists do not refer to the rains in winter as monsoons.
4) A, B, and C are the three most common violations. For parking guidelines see the Resident Information Packet. String Lights are permitted within the VCA as long as they are hidden from view (See the VCA Design Guidelines). Before you start any home improvement project you must submit an “Architectural and Landscaping Review Submittal Form”. Answers D and E refer to pool requirements that are specified by the Town of Oro Valley.
5) B, C, D, and E are true. A is false. See the VCA Design Guidelines.