Gayle Lopez
Honey Bee Ridge Neighborhood
Greetings from the Board
This month’s article is written by Gayle Lopez, President of the Vistoso Community Association (VCA).
Happy New Year Vistoso Community Association Members!
It is hard to believe that 2022 is already behind us. Looking back, the VCA board, committees, and staff members have accomplished a lot on behalf of our community. Below is a high-level summary of 2022 accomplishments grouped by the 4 focus areas established by the board.
1. Attention to Infrastructure – Portions of our community are approaching 30 years old and need attention. Covid related supply chain and labor shortages continued to slow the progress of infrastructure investments. Despite the challenge of finding willing, able, and qualified suppliers, the VCA was able to invest nearly $500,000 back into our community. Work completed in 2022 includes:
• erosion mitigation,
• drainage area renovation,
• painting common area walls and metal surfaces,
• new shade sails (5 parks),
• new park furniture, trash cans, BBQ grills (5 parks),
• asphalt replacement (7 parks),
• resurfaced playgrounds (2 parks),
• refurbish basketball court (1 park), and
• completed/received legal recommendations on how to clarify our Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs).
Other projects were initiated, but will continue into 2023:
• Rancho Vistoso Blvd. Street light repair/replacement,
• continued erosion/drainage mitigation,
• landscape granite replacement,
• asphalt projects,
• irrigation system replacement,
• monument refurbishment,
• water conservation, and
• continued discussions with the community about wants/needs – specifically as they apply to our CC&Rs. Our CC&Rs contain language that is obsolete, confusing, and no longer relevant. Updating them will require 75% approval by members.
2. Increased Transparency – This year more information was shared prior to board meetings so that members could come informed and prepared to participate in monthly meetings. We also held 11 Board Workshops since April 2022. These workshops are board meetings where specific topics are discussed in detail, but no decisions or votes are taken. Topics discussed include the budget, repair/replacement of street lights along Rancho Vistoso Blvd, upgrading and replacing park furniture, relocating the VCA office, new policies and/or procedures, etc. The meetings are open to the public and give members first hand insight to issues facing the board and where board members stand on the issues.
3. Inclusive Decision Making –The VCA board is here to serve its members. We moved the “Homeowner Forum” portion of the board meeting up closer to the beginning of the agenda, so that board members can hear from members of our community before any decisions are made. Also, established clearly defined policies and procedures to help increase the efficiency and effectiveness of decision making. The following policies and procedures were established by the board with input from committee and community members in 2022: Procurement Policy, Project Funding Process, Yard Sales & Estate Sales Policy, and Process for Determining Other Than Single Family Resident Designation. Policies can be viewed on the VCA website by clicking here.
4. Create a Sense of Community – Definition: A feeling that members have of belonging, that members matter to one another, and they share a faith that members’ needs will be met through commitments of other members. Some of the places I lived had that “sense of community” and other places not. I find places that do, are more enjoyable places to live and I want to do my part in helping building a sense of community in Rancho Vistoso. In 2022, we were able to hold 2 community events – “Spring Into Summer Community Event” on April 30th and “Moore Loop Park Dedication and Naming Contest” on November 12th. In addition, we held our spring and fall yard sales. Plan to bring back the popular spring and fall shredding events and add a photo contest, an open house at the new VCA office, and a Pet Parade in 2023. Do you have any ideas on how to build a stronger sense of community? If so, please share them by emailing to – mailto:askvca@ranchovistosohoa.
A volunteer organization is only as strong as its volunteers. We have a great team of board members, committee members, and staff. Please join me is saying “Bravo!” to all those who took the time and made the commitment to help make Rancho Vistoso an even greater place to live in 2022.
Gayle Lopez, President