Randy Kohout
Secretary – Single Family Director Honey Bee Canyon Estates
2023 Activities and Accomplishments
- The new VCA office at 1171 E Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Suite 103, Oro Valley opened its doors to members on Tuesday, January 17, 2023.
- VCA Management received over 5900 member calls and served over 430 members who walked into our office.
- The monthly VCA Newsletter has 5,788 email subscribers.
- Park furniture was installed at Big Wash, Sunset Ridge, and Lost Coyote Trail.
- The shade sails for Big Wash Park were installed.
- The project to assess the modernization of Rancho Vistoso Boulevard street lighting installed 12 over-head LED lighting fixtures as a pilot project to examine the cost effectiveness of lighting improvements. The study site is on both sides of the boulevard, just north of Tangerine Avenue.
- The Board of Directors approved five updated VCA maps proposed by the Governing Documents Committee. The maps include the VCA owned parcels; residential development parcels; non-residential development parcels; undeveloped parcels; and a recreation areas and trails map. These maps are available for member viewing at the VCA offices or online.
- The Board approved an updated version of the Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee Guidelines. The key objectives of the update are alignment with current legislation, state and federal codes; meeting evolving community trends and needs; clarifying definitions; and consistency with the CC&Rs. Most importantly, these updated “Guidelines” intend to make it easier for members to navigate the association architectural and landscaping rules when planning changes to their property.
- To help improve safety and decrease vandalism in the park common areas, the Board approved the Oro Valley Police Department’s Trespass Letter of Consent agreement for a two-year period. The agreement enables the Oro Valley Police to patrol VCA facilities and allows them to apprehend and arrest individual’s vandalizing VCA properties.
- The asphalt projects for Hohokam Park, Big Wash Park, Wildlife Park, Woodshade Trail and Eagle Summit path were completed.
- Painting projects from the reserve study were completed for the common area metal fence in Vistoso Heights, the retention basin perimeter fence in Overlook, the Siena entry walls and gates, and the metal rails along Vistoso Highlands Dr.
- Prudent Investing has resulted ina $57,902 positive budget variance to the Reserve Fund and a $15,672 positive budget variance to Operating Income as of October 31, 2023.
- The 2024 Reserve Study by Association Reserves was completed, reviewed by the Finance Committee, and approved by the Board of Directors. This involved an on-site inspection of the community’s assets for the master association 2024 report. The Reserve Study is a valuable tool to assist the association budget for the replacement and repair of major components of the association common areas. Click Here to download the 2023 reserve study.
- Changes to the organization of the website pages and menu items were implemented to make it easier for members to find more quickly most of the information they may need. This information has been consolidated under the ‘Resident Info’ drop-down menu at the top of the home page.
- The Vistoso Community Association Welcome Packet was updated. Click Here to download the new packet.
- The Board of Directors and the Architectural and Landscape Review Committee have been actively involved in representing the Vistoso Community Association (VCA) interests regarding the proposed “Apartments 132” project on W. Vistoso Highlands Drive. Meetings with the developer are on-going to assure that the structures meet association guidelines. We are coordinating our efforts with the Town of Oro Valley Planning and Police departments. Documents submitted on this project are available for review on the association’s website.
- The Vistoso Community Association sponsored an E-Statement promotional campaigns this year for all members who signed up for quarterly E-Statements. To date 26% of members are currently signed up.
- Two Association sponsored two community yard sales for the membership.
- The VCA Board sponsored a legislative update for Sub Association Presidents.
- The Association sponsored the Fall Festival at Moore Loop Park on October 21st. Oro Valley Police, Golder Ranch Fire, sponsor AAA Landscape, Town of Oro Valley officials, VCA Board members and First Service Residential management team were present. Beverages and snacks were provided and children were awarded prizes for the best Halloween costumes.