Greetings from the Board
You will see some “campaign signs” referring to the upcoming Annual Meeting where we will vote whether or not to keep the prohibition on overnight on street parking. Please take the time to look at our website ranchovistosohoa.com and, of course, please vote.

The Arizona legislature passed HB 2298 in 2023 and Governor Hobbs signed it into law. The new law prohibits HOA’s from enforcing no parking on public streets rules within the HOA unless they hold a vote of the members. Rancho Vistoso members will vote in March to allow or not to allow on street parking, a simple majority will determine the outcome. The developer designed the streets with no on street parking in mind and it will cause safety concerns with limited sight lines and pretty narrow streets. Just backing out of your driveway will be more difficult with vehicles blocking your view of oncoming traffic.
The no parking not only means cars, but trailers, RV’s, campers etc. Without the HOA enforcing their rules it defaults to the Town of Oro Valley parking restrictions which are “vehicles cannot be parked on public streets for more than 48 hours in one spot”. Imagine the impact on your neighborhood with vehicles parked everywhere. It could very well impact the value of your home and of course decrease the property values in all of our neighborhoods. The gated communities within Rancho Vistoso also have the right to vote on this issue, even thought their private streets are not impacted by this new law.
The voting will begin February 27th and conclude March 27th. We will send out both an electronic ballot if we have your email address and everyone will receive a paper ballot. One vote per household for residential and our commercial members, their number of votes are based on their net acreage. We are getting the word out with signs, emails, our newsletter, the Explorer and as much electronic media coverage as we can find.
Matt Wood