When: March 3rd – March 31, 2022
The award-winning Town of Oro Valley Community Academy is an opportunity to learn about your community and local government. Participants have stated that “every class is interesting and engaging.” Please register for this free and exciting opportunity by February 28, 2022.
Classes will be held from 6-8 PM, twice a week from March 3 to March 31. The course culminates with a graduation ceremony with Town Council on April 6, 2022. Topics include:
- Welcome and Overview of Town Governance
- Oro Valley Finances
- History of Oro Valley
- Planning for the future: Growth Trends and Economic Development
- Zoning 101 and Development Review
- Roadways and Stormwater Management
- Implementation of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan
- Town Water Resource Planning
- Public Safety
For more information about the program and to register, please visit www.orovalleyaz.gov.
Any questions please contact Jeanna Ancona at jancona@orovalleyaz.gov or (520)229-5062.