How well do you know where you live?
Select all that apply. See answers below.
1. What is the difference between the Rancho Vistoso Planned Area Development (PAD) and the Vistoso Community Association (VCA)?.
a. The VCA is located within the Rancho Vistoso PAD
b. The VCA is the Home Owner’s Association (HOA) for the PAD.
c. A PAD is a large-scale residential, commercial, and industrial development focused on lifestyle, convenience, and quality of life.
d. All Commercial VCA Members must own commercial property with in the Rancho Vistoso PAD and have tract declarations filed with Pima County designating that the property is part of the VCA.
e. Sun City is within the Rancho Vistoso PAD, but not a member of the VCA.
2. The Vistoso Community Association (VCA) has which of the following responsibilities?
a. Conduct the business of the VCA
b. Build new parks
c. Maintain Common Areas
d. Enforce Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs)
e. Collect Assessments
3. There are 7 members of the VCA board of directors. These members can be comprised of?
a. home owners
b. vacant property owners
c. commercial property owners
d .apartment owners
e. condo owners
4. How many different types of members are there in the VCA?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
5. What items listed below are common areas or amenities owned by the VCA and its members?
a. 8 pickleball courts
b. 2 tennis courts
c. Street lights along Rancho Vistoso Boulevard
d. Honey Bee Canyon Park
e. Over 6 acres of grass turf
Question #1
All of the above. When the Rancho Vistoso PAD was incorporated in 1987, Sun City was purposely carved out of the 7626 acres in the PAD. Sun City is overseen by its own HOA, but to the same minimum standards as the VCA. There are ~2500 homes in Sun City. There are other residential areas within the PAD that have also been excluded from the VCA. A complete map of the VCA can be found at:
Rancho Vistoso Overview Map – Vistoso Community Association (ranchovistosohoa.com)
Question #2
a, c, d, & e – Per Article 12.5 of our CC&Rs (CCRs-Restated.pdf (ranchovistosohoa.com)) the VCA only has the authority to maintain existing common areas/amenities. Any changes to common areas would require 2/3 of the membership of each class of members (4739 of 7109 total member votes).
Question #3
All of the above. Note that the distinction is upon being an owner. People or businesses that rent or lease property cannot be members of the VCA. This means that they cannot vote in the VCA elections. In order to be on the VCA board of directors you must be a member of the VCA. If the property rented is within the VCA geography (e.g., the property owner is a member), the renter has the right to use VCA common areas/amenities.
Question #4
c – There are 3 types of VCA members: single family (5082 possible votes) *, other than single family (539 possible votes) *, and commercial (1488 votes) *. The term “other than single family” applies to patio homes, townhomes, condos, etc. Per Article 3.9 in the VCA Bylaws (Bylaws Amended Restated.pdf (ranchovistosohoa.com)), the 7 board members must be composed of 5 – single family directors, 1 – other than single family director, and 1- commercial director. * Figures obtained from the March 24, 2022 election results presentation. (2022 Annual Meeting Presentation – Vistoso Community Association (ranchovistosohoa.com)).
Question #5
b, c, & e – Sorry no pickle ball courts, but the Town of Oro Valley (TOV) is building additional courts at Naranja Park. Honey Bee Canyon Park is within the Rancho Vistoso PAD, but owned by TOV. Therefore, while VCA members can use the park, it is not for their exclusive use, nor is it maintained by the VCA. The VCA owns and must maintain the street lights along Rancho Vistoso Boulevard (RVB), the 2 tennis courts in Hohokam Park, and the 6 acres of green grass throughout the VCA. You may note that other streets in Oro Valley do not have the same density of street lights that RVB does. These additional lights were part of the PAD requirements.